Considering and Adapting Changes of Media
There were many thoughts in digital era at the moment and in future, not many people still searching for information from printed media such as; books, magazines, and newspapers. People usually pick information that able to published using online platform and free charges. Is it true?
As a part of this industry, digitalization probably gives challenges to media workers to elevate our skills not only in printed but also multimedia skills all in one person. At the moment this condition brings impact for media industry in order to develop their content more eligible and easy access for readers.
Based on some research, the needs of changes in media production have to adapt millennials habits in consuming news and information using phones. Especially because the information and news on internet especially social media are faster than printed media can discovered.
This fact creating an answer, digitalization that we’ve been known give changes in media game to be more adaptable facing disruption. Which means, printed media especially the journalists of conventional media have to create their reports and news content by website, PDF version especially for newspapers and magazines.
Fortunately, media companies started used all social media platform that famously used by millennial as their canal to shares all the contents, reports, and news. These strategies we can see successfully brings loyalty of the future readers and also gives guarantee to make sure literacy function as media role in society.
In a future media industry can’t be too slow on innovation and stuck in comfort zone, because there are many new platforms in internet that born. Thus, it have to be adopted in order to embrace the challenge of convergence media. Journalists as media workers also need to be improved not only in their existing skills, but also in their way of using social media platform professionally. It also means, journalists should be more consider not only to follow the trend but always remind of ethic’s code of journalism.
Currently, journalists need to be faster in producing content, adaptable as multiskilled journalists, creative in using all tools of social media. As consequences, journalists should be more acceptable and adaptive of the changing work culture in short time.
In future, competition between media players also become more challenging. The one as fastest published content might inaccurate. Why? The competition becoming the fastest content probably harm context and facts, because of the low accuracy of editing as a result of doing journalism in hurry. This condition hopefully doesn’t make journalists ignorant of their own false of crossing the line in ethical works of journalism.
Another challenge that should be facing by journalist due digitalization is public sentiment that changes in minutes. Readers of media online most likely share and like to read provocative title of report and news. The new habit of the readers in digital era create an ignorant people that unusual in reading the whole report. Just knowing the title or fantastic lead, readers thinks they know the content comprehensively and criticize it.
To conclude all the challenges, I can recommend to journalists all over the world to be more creative in researching content that society needs instead of society wants. Hungry of news and information, even gossips don’t mean all the context that offered are important. Remember, that journalism works ethics are effective to build good and common sense of our society.